Chief Minister Yogi had announced to install the world's tallest Ram idol in Ayodhya on his first Diwali in 2017 after assuming power, but the first place chosen for it had to be changed and now the second is still in dispute. Ram devotees from all over the world may be happy but the local people are angry. The statue is now planned to be erected on the road from Lucknow to Gorakhpur on the banks of the Sree River. For this purpose, the work of land registry has been stopped in the villages of Majha Barhata, Meira Purdooba and Tahora Majha. There are three villages in this Gram Sabha with 500 to 600 houses and a population of about 1500. The administration wants to take over 86 acres of land here. The land of Majha Barhata, located at a distance of five kilometers from Seri Ghat, has not yet been taken into government custody. The obstacle of this path is the grief and anger of the villagers.
Indravati, the 75-year-old wife of Ram Charan Yadav in Majha Barhata, complains that after 5 to 6 generations, she will be able to build a house on this land of her ancestors and how can she leave it at the request of the administration? A mother of 4 sons and 3 daughters. Indravati's question is valid. Where will he end up with this whole family? The government wants to make a statue to polish its politics, but it has no interest in the problems of the local people. Indravati says that farming has become useless because of bulls and oxen. An engineer's son named Rajiv is employed and the rest work on a daily wage. There is no money to buy a separate house or farm. So as long as he is alive, they will not give him land. She asks reporters the opposite question, isn't Ram ours? There is also the question of whether they belong only to Yogi and Modi.
Vimala, a resident of the neighboring village of Dharma, asks in an even sharper tone. Where do they go, leaving behind their homes, children and cattle for many generations? If the government wants to take the house by force, then it will be able to take the land only if it kills the whole family. A Ram Bhakt correspondent said that this is Ram's work, so Vimla lost her temper. He posed many bitter questions in response to this, such as, "Have we forgotten Lord Ram?" Don't we worship Ram? If you put an idol of Lord Ram here, will you drive us away? Vimla's anger is justified because her 4 sons work hard and run the house. Grain etc. comes from 10 bigha field. Now all this is going on in the circle of the statue? There is no government servant inside the house. The devotee of Ram has no hope from the Chief Minister who is doing politics in the name of Ram, so she openly says that there is no one to listen.
Ram Sewak, a laborer from Mojhaniya, a neighboring village of Dharma Parwa, described his poverty as a small land and a small one-room house. All this is going on in the circle of idols. Now it is not understood where I will go with my children and old parents. That is, the question here is of three generations. Ram Sewak complains that the officers do not listen. When these people united and approached the court, the verdict came in their favor but the administration is not ready to listen. This poor Ram Sewak is mingling day and night in the tension of what will happen next. Dissatisfied villagers leader Arvind Yadav, while disclosing the secrets of the administration's intrigues, said that after the notification of taking him into government custody was issued on January 24, 2020, the time to object was reduced. On January 28, they went to the High Court. There, it was decided to take the land under the Land Acquisition Act issued in 2013.
The fact of the matter is that the legacy of those who have lived on this land for many generations has not been established even after 70 years of independence. As a result, most farmers do not have land deeds. On June 16, the High Court directed the administration to make arrangements in the matter. Prior to the check, the information of the farmer's agricultural land, cattle, barren land, trees and plants etc. is recorded under this operation. According to Arvind, the farmers here have small plots of land on which they cultivate and run their household. If the government consumes their land, their house will not work. The work of NPR and NRC was stopped because of Khair Korona, otherwise these people would have been declared foreigners first and then through Pakistani or Bangladeshi back door Get citizenship In such cases, their land would be confiscated for easy installation.
In order to usurp the people's land and property, the administration cleverly included this Gram Sabha in the Nagar Nigam. Out of the 259 plots of land in the village on which notification has been issued, 174 are registered in the name of Maharishi Ramayanodia Peth Trust. By collaborating with this trust, the administration wants to evict the villagers from their land. There is also a story of deception behind this trust. Maharshi Yogi in 1994-1995 asked the forgotten people of the village to donate their land for the college and hospital. The villagers were deceived and they gave up their land. Now that there is no hospital or college, the villagers want to take back their land and this is their right.
The real issue is that the villagers do not want to give up their land and the administration wants to take it away from them by force. The real Ram devotees are being persecuted by the fake Ram Bhakt government in the name of Ram. This is the second such dispute. Earlier, a notification was issued on June 5, 2019 for 61 acres of land in Mirapur Do Aba between National Highway 28 and Railway Bridge. Residents also went to court against it, but the administration did not budge. Due to the vibration of the railway bridge, this place had to be changed. Thus, this trouble was averted from there and reached Majha Barhata. This is the story inside the proposed tallest Ram idol. When governments around the world fail to solve people's problems, they entertain them by making statues.
At one time, the world's tallest statue was the 9-meter-tall American Statue of Liberty. After that, China tried to prove itself bigger than the United States by making a 9 meter high statue of Gautama Buddha. Modi ji raised his head by making a 9 meter high statue of Sardar Patel in China and now together with Yogi ji he will try to convince the people by making a 251 meter high statue of Ram that India has now surpassed China and America. It is not far off that the forgotten people of India will fall prey to this deception. Coincidentally, the work of painting the statue of Ram has been given to the sculptor Ram Sattar who made the statue of Sardar Patel. The BJP does not learn from its mistakes. After erecting a statue of Sardar Patel in Gujarat, she lost the provincial elections. Despite this, she is now pinning her hopes on the statue of Ram in Ayodhya to win the election, but the locals are angry.
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